korean badminton players who became world champion

korean badminton players who became world champion

Height Performing Nations In Earth Badminton Championships

Badminton is played using a shuttlecock and racquet.
  • Red china is by far the top performing state in the world in the Badminton Championships, a fact that has held true since 1977.
  • Since its inclusion in the Olympics in 1992, Asian players take won a staggering 93 out of the 103 Olympic medals.
  • In Bharat, the game existed earlier 1500 B.C. and was called "Poona".

What Is Badminton?

Badminton is a competitive sport in which players employ racquets to accept turns passing a shuttlecock (likewise called a "birdie") across a net. A shuttlecock is a special type of ball designed to take high elevate and aerodynamic stability when hitting into the air. Badminton games are generally played on a court similar to a tennis courtroom and players earn points past hitting the brawl onto the ground of their opponent's side of the court.

What Are The Badminton World Federation Championships?

The Badminton Earth Federation Championships is a badminton contest that is managed by the Badminton World Federation. This tournament was previously known as the IBF World Championships, when it began in 1977. After the first title, information technology was held twice by 1983 (once every iii years). At the same time, the Badminton Globe Federation was also holding a badminton tournament with the same objectives. Because of this conflict and repetitive nature, the IBF later merged with the Badminton World Federation. In 1985, the title games were held every other year until 2005. In 2006, the Badminton World Federation Championships began to accept place every year, with the exception of the years with Summer Olympics games. Winners of the Badminton World Federation Championships are awarded the championship, "World Champion" and take home a aureate medal. Other awards offered are the silver and bronze medals. This article takes a look at which countries effectually the earth accept the best performance in these championships.

What Are The Peak Performing Countries In The Earth Badminton Championships?

Betwixt 1977 and 2001, the three possible medals were awarded to players from only 5 countries: China, Kingdom of denmark, Korea, Malaysia, and Republic of indonesia. In 2003, however, 2 additional countries joined the ranks of medal winners. By 2005, medals were awarded to people from x countries.

1. China

Communist china is past far the peak performing land in the world in the Badminton Championships, a fact that has held true since 1977. Since and then, players from this country have won 61 golden medals, 42 silver medals, and 64 bronze medals. In 1987, 2010, and 2011, all of the awards went to players from Communist china. This is referred to every bit a shutout, and China is the but state to attain such a feat.

2. Indonesia

The second top performing land in the World Badminton Championships is Republic of indonesia. Since 1977, players from this country have brought home the following medals: 21 aureate, 17 argent, and 33 bronze. Two of the most successful players in the world come from Indonesia every bit well; this distinction is given to players who have won 3 or more gold medals. These players are: Hendra Setiawan and Lilyana Natsir, with iii gilded medals each.

three. Denmark

Denmark comes in tertiary place with 10 golden, 13 silver, and 37 statuary medals. Thomas Lund was the outset gold medal winner for the land in 1993. He went on to win again in 1995. Marlene Thomsen was the start female gold medal winner from Denmark, earning the award in 1995 in the mixed doubles category.

4. Republic of korea

South Korea is the fourth best performing country in the World Badminton Championships, although it is very similar in accomplishments to Kingdom of denmark. This country as well has 10 gold medals and xiii silver medals. Information technology differs in statuary, with 29 medals. One of the well-nigh successful players in the globe, Park Joo-bong, is from here. He has won a total of 5 gilded medals in his lifetime, 1 of only 3 people to attain such a feat.

The chart published below has more than detailed information almost the top World Badminton Championship countries.

Top Performing Nations In World Badminton Championships

Rank Nation Gold Silver Statuary Total
i China 61 42 64 167
2 Indonesia 21 17 33 71
3 Denmark 10 xiii 37 lx
4 Republic of korea 10 13 29 52
5 England 3 ix 12 24
6 Sweden 2 2 five 9
7 Kingdom of spain two 0 0 2
8 Japan ane 0 11 12
ix Thailand 1 0 2 3
10 United States i 0 0 i

korean badminton players who became world champion

Posted by: castroshish1937.blogspot.com

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